

Physically I am a very flexible person; but you mess with my schedule, my lists, my time; I get upset. Something gets pushed off-kilter and I don't feel quite right.

My dominate personality type, sometimes known as a Beaver, is very structured and likes to have plans and timetables. Something I am FINALLY starting to understand: God is not a Beaver.

I've always been frustrated that I don't get clear instructions from God. I've always said that a detailed email would be nice...

Someone quoted Rich Mullins the other day where he said that there are two types of people: those with the smarts to figure out what to do and those who are just given very few options. (lol)

I feel like one of the limited option people. Even though I usually hate living on the fly it tends to be how my life goes. College; not a planned decision. Chicago; kinda fell into my lap. Swearing off of youth ministry; two years and three youth groups later... God's still chuckling.

God is teaching me that flexibility isn't just an asset on the mission field. It's for here and now. Sometimes I think He pushes this on me because I swing so far the other way... And when I am organized and need things to be in their place I depend on myself to make it all happen. He is teaching me that I have to trust Him or I'll just be frustrated forever.


Karl said...

Hehe...I'm just imagining God doing a little "preying mantis." haha.

jessie said...

LOL!!! Now I see God with a Karl face! creepy...

Karl said...

You know those moments when you say lol, because you actually did just lol? Ya, I just had one.

jessie said...

good. I like when people actually laugh!

Patrick said...

I totally understand, i just swing to the other extreme.

God has to be part practical Joker cuz he did make people like me. :D