

lucky im in love with my best friend...

the twinkles in your eyes
the way you watch to see if i will laugh
how you push my buttons just to see my reactions
the blueberry scones you shower upon me
you hold the door for me
stealing the show waltzing at that wedding

just some of the reasons im in love with you



Its strange to read a biography because sometimes you view it as fiction until you realize it all happened and it happened to someone. It was their life just as you are living yours right now. Then you get to the end and it inevitably ends in death. And it's like you've lost a friend.

Goodbye Theodore Roosevelt. You were an interesting man. I'm glad you got to be president.

"...he was so alive at all points, and so gifted with the rare faculty of living intensely and entirely in every moment as it passed..." -Edith Wharton



Sometimes I like being alone.

I'm an introvert... what can I say? 

Making homemade macaroni and cheese... yum!

Finishing up my different books

Now I'm sitting here hoping for a blueberry scone in a few hours...

*I'm a little ticked that most of the pics on google called 'introvert' are depressing and sad! I finally had to give up and pick something else.*


some days

are just a little harder than others.

i should be...

Sewing on my scrub top as it's gotten too big
Wraping Christmas presents, but I have no paper
Eating leftovers in my fridge
Reading, reading, reading to finish this biography
Writing so that someday I might publish something... anything
Picking up my guitar because I think I've forgotten how to play
Scrubbing the bathtub
Practicing the Waltz
Making that CD I planned to make
Charging my iPod
Searching for a copy of Pride and Prejudice for tomrrow night


I'm at work. Guess I'll do all that later.



I hate the heat but I would love to be here right now...

A walk along the beach; smoothest, softest feet. A soak in the water and a little nap in the hammock. my oh my.

red dress

I'm looking for a little red dress. Here's a few I like. (the last one is my favorite)


The lack of snow in this strange and unnatural state (missouri) is depressing. Back home they have snow! The lovely white, foot printed, frosty, swirly, clean snow! We have... brown grass. I miss living up North. The closest I've gotten to snow are the paper snowflakes I've cut out and hung all over the apartment for the Christmas party roomie and I  hosted last night.

In other news; I learned the other day that albino dolphins are PINK! Isn't that fabulous?


a carrie

Sometimes you just need to feel fabulous.

The question is; how?

mascara? chocolate? shoes? flowers? i'm not sure.

Shoes made of chocolate. Maybe I won't have to choose now.


in the near future

I'm getting married. I know this isn't news to most of you. But I never got to fully share or express my excitement about this fact, I've been too busy.

In 4 1/2 months my life will change for the better in these ways:
  • no more "lets hang out" and then one of us has to drive all the way back home in the freezing cold
  • all my stuff will be in one place. I hate being at his apartment and wanting to make lunch or something and not having all my cooking stuff.
  • we can combine our limited funds to make a slightly less limited fund!
  • laying in bed reading. yes. awesomeness.
Ways it will change for the worse:
  • he will be in my space all the time, (I really enjoy having my own space).
  • i can't borrow his clothes to switch up my wardrobe like I do with my current roommate cuz her clothes are cute and his are just... manly.
  • he will prolly eat that last cookie I'll be saving "for later".
But over all, I think it will be good. I can't wait.

    dreaming of sleep

    Its 1:30am and I can't get to sleep. I keep having this problem lately. I'm tired, I want to sleep but once I get to bed I just lay there and think... or I just lay there.

    How do you fall asleep? I need some ideas.


    positively done

    Its funny what can happen on the days I decide to be positive. Its the same stuff that happens on the days when I'm not positive. The only difference is ME. I'm the constant in this situation.

    My attitude is the difference.

    Stuff happens that really stinks but it doesn't have to define the day. We still have each other; homes; food; God. Its okay. It will be okay in the end.

    A year from now, things will be so different if my life thus far is any evidence.



    favorite things currently

    • Hot chocolate with a candy cane melted in it
    • Baked potatoes
    • King of Queens


    So... Glee. Anyone else watching this? I just saw my first episode. Thoughts? It's a strange show. Its like a combination of High School Musical and a Mandy Moore movie from the early 2000's.

    Musicals on primetime TV? I'm kind of ok with this idea. I've always been a fan of musicals.

    Check it out: Sweet Caroline (I really like Puck's voice.)



    Doing things for other people. Even when you don't want to or don't feel close to them at the moment.

    Age old wisdom. But I've learned it over and over again so many times. And probably will many times more.

    Thanks old married couples for discussing this the Dr.s Office. Its probably one of the only things that kept me awake that day. I appreciate you.