First we must define what the word Nerd is to mean in this post.
Nerd :: A person, (male or female), who is deeply interested in things considered to be nerdy. Ex: Dungeons and Dragons, excessive video game usage, collecting trading cards from childrens shows from Asian countries, avid watchers of anime and attenders of "cons" where one makes costumes and dresses up as a character from one, or an assortment of the above mentioned activities.
In society to be branded a "nerd" is not a flattering thing, unless you are among other nerds, then you earn cool points for your nerdiness. If you have not noticed nerds tend to flock together in groups, rather like jocks. Social studies would tell us that this is due to a mutual interest in something. But I sometimes wonder if its a mutual agreement to shun the rest of the world.
Thus my question; why can a person not enjoy and dabble in some of the "nerdy" things and yet retain a balanced life by including other activities as well? From my (more extreme instances of) experience its either or. You are sold out or you are out of the club.
Can any one truly live like that? Or does one merely exist?
What is the draw of nerdy things? The chance to use your imagination even as an adult? The possibility of escape from a life where you cannot fight a troll, fly or perform magic? To drown yourself in something that makes you feel good, but is not real?
And this is where I think it can get dangerous. Immersing yourself into anything and hatching an obsession is never a good thing. And before my calling it an "obsession" upsets you please realize that I am not generalizing all nerds, just talking about some.
According to Webster
Obsession: The domination of one's thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, desire, etc.
When 80% of almost every conversation with someone is dominated by one subject it would seem logical that their thoughts and emotions were constantly surrounding that subject as well. Imagine a sports buff, crazed shopper or lover of video games or D&D.
I've come to a strange conclusion. Lets talk about porn. People look at porn and become addicted for a variety of reasons. One of the major reasons people like porn is because it's not real. It transports them into a fantasy life where they can do or be anything or anyone they want regardless of their weight, temper or other obligations.They are on an adventure and can make anything they want happen.
Do you see the parallel?
Many people are obsessed with video games, (etc), and love them for some of these very same reasons. They get to live a life of adventure, they get to look however they want, overcome obstacles, win the girl, shoot the bad guy. Its a fake life but they want to spend a lot of time there.
Every time I think of that, I think of porn. Both end up running your life, don't they?
Can you quit whenever you want?
1 day ago