I'm going to complain. You saw the post title so its not like I didn't warn you.
I looked at the schedule for work tomorrow and my spirits plummeted. I know I'm getting paid, (thus the entire point of being there), but inactivity exhausts me. When I spend 6 of the 7 hours I'm there sitting in a spinning office chair wondering if I'm dead or alive ... or maybe I'm just in a coma as I'm slowly spinning, tapping my tennis shoes on the floor. I feel like I'm wasting my life. I'm not helping anyone, I'm just in it for the money. Weren't we taught that it was a sign of bad character just to be in something for the money?
Its so hard to stay and not jump out. I have good reasons to stay; quite often I recite them to myself as I stare at the white office wall wondering what it would feel like to fling myself against it.
Maybe I have a disorder? Something that makes it harder for me to accept reality? Everyone else understands that going to work that you hate is natural. Did I miss the memo?
Work = cage = death of soul.
I hope tomorrow is better. But Josh won't even be there this time so I don't have much hope.
P.s. even my feet are caged inside of the thing I abhor: shoes.
1 day ago
At least you have those lovely posters to stare at.
i know right!? no, today was actually a pretty good day. I think I just needed to get out all my whining and now I feel better and had a good day! lol
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