
cook bake clean

I've gotta tell you,
I'm an old fashioned girl sometimes.
I would love to stay home all day baking, cleaning, sewing, cookings... pretty much doing the typical "housewifely" things.

Before you assume I've never heard of feminism I'll tell you that I agree with the ideals that started the feminism movement but today I think many that cry "feminism" have just found a new way to throw a tantrum when they don't get what they think they want.

Anyway, I've recently been going through a cookbook I got for Christmas and I want to spend all day just cooking through it, but alas, I do have a job.

It's been fun to experiment more with cooking as of late. 
After getting married I finally have more time to devote to becoming an AMAZING COOK, because that is my current goal.

That and dropping some poundage.

You wouldn't necessarily put those two together but they do a fairly nice waltz with one another.

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