Its funny what can happen on the days I decide to be positive. Its the same stuff that happens on the days when I'm not positive. The only difference is ME. I'm the constant in this situation.
My attitude is the difference.
Stuff happens that really stinks but it doesn't have to define the day. We still have each other; homes; food; God. Its okay. It will be okay in the end.
A year from now, things will be so different if my life thus far is any evidence.
1 day ago
ah, i love this post! attitude is so important.
xo meg
ps, as for the "piece of me post" you should definitely do one - it's something that another blogger hosts, so if you go to her blog ( and take a look at her post from dec 6 you can get more details and see everyone who participates!
yes positive....sometimes hard to do when there is not a lot of sunshine outside. but you are very inspiring.
it is hard! especially when you are a realist who leans more towards the pessimist side. :)
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