
in the moment

It can be hard for me to live in the moment. I like to plan ahead, look ahead in anticipation; sometimes worry ahead. I'm not good at being content with where things are at right now.

I know I miss a lot this way.

So I'm making some changes. When I'm unhappy with where things are at, or with what is happening I try to look for the good and celebrate it. It will be gone all to soon itself.

What is good right now that you are missing by looking toward something "better"?

1 comment:

Paul said...

Haha, I finally posted again, and I just saw your last comment a few weeks ago: "You're never going to post again, are you?" Hahaha.

You know, this is a good post, and I've been thinking of the stuff I might be missing because I'm looking too far ahead. But by nature, it's hard to know what that is because, well, I'm missing it. So I guess I don't really know what those are for me, but hopefully just by thinking about this, I'll be more aware of the here and now.