That's it! I'm tired of trying and trying to lose weight!
I lose a little here and it comes back over there.
I really, REALLY wish I had a fun group type thing like a Weight Watchers - but free - to keep me inspired and on track. I'm tired of working on it alone! Every time someone whines about their weight I invite them to join me so we can work together and about 3 minutes later they are over it for one reason or another.
Are there no other dedicated people out there!?
Well, on a happy note P and I have decided to give up soda pop for the rest of the year. At the first threat of no more delicious Dewiness my taste buds wept a little but after they got used to the idea they jumped on board to help. They've promised to stop craving things that are bad for them... we shall see if they hold up their end of the deal.
1 day ago
I miss working together toward losing weight. I'm having a hard time of it here in Japan.
Jessie! I am totally on the same page with you. I wish we lived closer together so we could work together. We could join forces via blogger I suppose?
Oooo, thought! We could totally start a weight loss/get in shape blog and record our progress together, both writing posts about how we're doing, things we find helpful, advice for others, and a place to vent.
Let me know what you think. :)
Loves <3 's
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