
Susan B. Anthony

I've recently been engrossed in a biography about Susan B. Anthony.
I was walking through the library picking up easy-to-reads for work when I told myself I needed to read a bio. I needed to pick someone I wouldn't normally read about.
I noticed a book of medium thickness about Ms. Anthony so I took it home.

Consuming the efforts and injustice of the woman's rights movement has been mind altering.

Married women were legally declared dead by law.
Women coudln't hold property or travel by themselves.
They had no power to vote,
Thus no power to change things.
Classed legally with idiots, lunatics and criminals...

And the majority of people thought there wasn't a need for change.
Even many woman thought Anthony was crazy to want change.

Its been fantastic to read this and get a glimpse into the gaining of all the freedoms I assume are my right.
I don't agree with where feminism led to but I firmly believe in where it began,

Susan B Anthony is now one of my heroes.

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