I’ve never had to ask and trust for anything before. There have always been parents and grandparents to provide things. Food to eat, a lovely home to live in and clothes to wear.
But I’m getting older. I need some stuff and I just can’t get it.
I’ve been stressing and worrying and planning… but there’s nothing I can do. I get frustrated when I can't find a way around things or find a way to fix them. (that's my Bever side coming out - heh)
For the past few weeks I’ve been kind of lamenting the fact that I don’t have to trust God for anything but now I do so I guess this will be a test. He may say “no” and not give me what I think I need but I know that somehow, in some way he will step in and do something. I’m trusting here… and yes, its probably because I’ve already done everything else I could but that’s when trust tends to happen, right? When you’re at the end of your rope...?
1 day ago
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