There is a couple I know who are engaged and they just got married. But they got married about two months before their wedding...
What do you guys think about getting married before your actual wedding?
Just something interesting and out of the ordinary for your minds to chew on today. Mine is. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think about this idea.
8 hours ago
I'm down with Sara doing it. I personally don't think it really matters. If they've done the pre-marrital's and whatnot, why not?
Yeah, I think its kinda cool I was just wondering what others thought.
I see no reason at all why one should become legally married before ones ceremony. Its seems the only reason to rush it would be to consumate the marriage earlier, in which case it seems waiting would be the wiser path. If you can't show give public vows before, why even do it? It would be a by case basis, but i can't see any reason to make that a prudent decision.
They posted a note with several reasons, all of which were legitimate, and none of which had to do with sex. To say that sex was the only reason they went early is to assume, and we all know what that does...
I don't know what I think about that. Becoming legally married before the ceremony is maybe a good idea, but it really depends on the situation.
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