

So, I told you that when God worked everything out and pulled it all off I would let you know with a huge smile on my face. Well, I'm smiling. :D

I live with a wonderful girl and have extremely cheap rent; a college friend let me borrow her bike for the summer; my boyfriend lets me use his car to get to work; I HAVE A JOB; my church is probably going to support my brother and I as we go to NYC on a mission trip; a new friend took me out for dinner when I didn't know what I was going to eat that day; rides to far away weddings; my parents have given me monetary support which has helped beyond explanation; I passed all of my classes... and so on and so forth!

Everyday I see the ways God provides for me. It doesn't mean life is perfect, it doesn't mean I don't put work in to get results. But I know he wants me here right now and he is making that possible where I thought impossibility reigned.

I have learned about trusting God this month; but one of the biggest things that sticks out to me is learning that you have to let people help you. I've never liked to rely on people for anything, I always want to do it all myself. I don't like to share my problems... but I've been humbled and realized that if I don't share my problems then no one can help me solve them. God is ultimately in control but he works through the people all around me so much. Without them... I don't know where I would be.

1 comment:

Karl said...

So Abraham called the name of that place, "The Lord will provide." As it is said to this day, "On the mount of the Lord, it shall be provided."