A man in a wood shop; he wipes his sawdust covered hands on his Levis and reaches for one of the tools hanging on the wall. After selecting the perfect one for the job he sets to work bringing art and purpose out of a dead tree. Jesus was a carpenter.
Would Jesus wear Levis? Or the opposite; why wouldn’t Jesus wear Levis? I think he would, unless there was another brand that he found more comfortable. But I really don’t think he would drop $150 on a pair of jeans. Would wearing Levis instead of a robe have made Jesus’ life any different? The Pharisee’s REALLY wouldn’t have liked him then. (They would probably just be jealous of his superior style and comfort).
I don’t think it would have made his life different, but would it make YOUR life different? Have people ever judged Jesus by what he wore? Would more people be comfortable talking to him if he wore jeans instead of a “robe”? Jeans are a universal symbol of comfort. We work, play and live in jeans.
If Jesus had been born into the world today instead of 2000 years ago, it’s a safe bet that he would wear jeans, (pleated pants would be out of the question). He might even wear jeans to church… *gasp!*
Does the idea of Jesus wearing jeans twinge a little of the conservative side within you? I hope so.
1 day ago
Nah. He'd wear dickie's.
LOL you are bias!
And you're not? :P
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