

I now have a night cream!
Oo la la.
I feel so French,
and my skin is like silk!
(or a fine bamboo/cotten blend)


my life...

is so beautiful

I thought it was about time to show my more positive side
the next four days before I marry my sweetheart
will be fabulous


new phone, new life

Its 7 days until we get married
and i feel like life is falling apart.
Everything has been going wrong
and I'm so nervous that I'm not sleeping


I tried to quote scripture this morning
and ended up quoting Shakespeare instead
that's how messed up my mind is right now

But I have my Man and a fairy godmother
they are keeping me semi-sane

A week and 2 days from today it will all be over
We will be heading to the Mountains
and stress will be forgotten

Its been 8 months since my life was about
something other than getting married
I'm looking forward to simplicity again

No details that MUST get done
no set time I have to get home by
I can just fall asleep reading
in our bed.


i love him


8 days until the wedding list

1. strangle minister for forgetting he cant do the wedding
2. strangle office manager for telling me 11 days before that we cannot use the rooms we want
3. take 10 deep breaths
4. get counseling for pent up rage & stress
5. have a Big Bang Theory marathon in my "spare time" (spare time, ha ha)
6. eat
7. try and get all details to all the people who need them
8. kiss my Baby, oh wait, can't kiss again until after I Do
9. go to birthday party
10. live in two places at once
11. crack up
12. sleep sleep sleep



19 days until marriage...

...and 19 reasons why its about time!
  1. I love that bathtub and want to take a long hot bath
  2. There is more than one window in that apartment
  3. I will never have to go home and leave my Honey!
  4. I will have a dresser for my t-shirts and things
  5. We can finally share our food in one place
  6. There is a park next door perfect for walks
  7. The public library is SO CLOSE
  8. We can share rides to work
  9. I can fall accidentally fall asleep and not worry about needing to get home
  11. I will have time to write once again
  12. And read
  13. And finish season One of Desperate Housewives
  14. We can have people over for dinner
  15. I can put things away where I want them
  16. Everything will be ours to share
  17. I can iron his shirts
  18. A schedule can FINALLY be established

19. We can take weekened getaways together!!!


you might have noticed...

That I take a book almost everywhere I go. there is always time to read, you just have to look for it.

I don't like wearing shoes, flip flops are the closest I can get to going everwhere barefooted.


just another sunday

My brand new wedding coordinator,
(I used to think I didn't need one, but now I know how wrong I was!)
told me to pick music for the part of the wedding where guests are being seated and of course, I picked the most romantic music ever;
The Pride & Prejudice soundtrack!

I also just bought a jump rope!
My body and I are getting tired of the same old workouts and I needed something to change it up
A trip to walmart later and a stroll down memory lane to my childhood...
After jumping with it for a few minutes I learned one thing...
Kids must have freaking fantastic cardio!
And hopefully I will soon join them


My Love is a well worn page
I return again and again to read his mysteries



When 85% of a product's commercial consists of listing the horrible side effects that might attack you, you may want to reconsider EVER using it...
Commercial fail.


Lots to think about.

Do you ever have a dream you talk about but don't follow?

Always thinking you will get to it later
And then you are 22, getting married and driving a car with the side mirror hanging, only attached by it's cable?
But I will write.
I will write many words, pouring out my thoughts like lemonade; the bitter and the sweet blended together.

Right now my excuse is time, I will start writing again when I have time; oh that precious commodity.
But there's always an excuse. 
I have to follow through this time.

I actually think I am finally ready.

In a month I hope it's all still there waiting to be blended together and sipped.
For now I will keep living and trying to take as much as I can out of each day, storing it away for later use.