
new phone, new life

Its 7 days until we get married
and i feel like life is falling apart.
Everything has been going wrong
and I'm so nervous that I'm not sleeping


I tried to quote scripture this morning
and ended up quoting Shakespeare instead
that's how messed up my mind is right now

But I have my Man and a fairy godmother
they are keeping me semi-sane

A week and 2 days from today it will all be over
We will be heading to the Mountains
and stress will be forgotten

Its been 8 months since my life was about
something other than getting married
I'm looking forward to simplicity again

No details that MUST get done
no set time I have to get home by
I can just fall asleep reading
in our bed.


i love him


molly said...

don't get so stressed out with the planning that you don't enjoy it!!

jessie said...

thanks girl, I'm working on it. :D