For my 21 birthday I wanted to look back and share... (in no particular order)
1. Going to South Dakota with my brother’s Boy Scout group is one of my fondest memories! We camped, hiked, went to Mt. Rushmore and played a lot of cards. There are too many little memories about this trip to write down… the entire thing was wonderful.
2. On a warm summer day Anna and I road her family’s lawn mower about a mile down a cornfield to a stream. Across the stream was an island we named Skull Island (I cannot remember why, but I’m sure it was for dramatic purposes). We crossed the “bridge” (a fallen tree trunk) and explored. As I was exploring I stepped in what appeared to be sinking sand/mud and the harder I tried to get out the more my boot got sucked in. Trying to pull it out made my hip want to come out of it’s socket. Anna finally saved me though… and my boot.
3. When I was 9 or so, my best friend Molly and I made a singing group called The Sparkle Girls and wrote and recorded our own songs. We wanted so much to be stars…
4. As the Maid of Honor I stand on the stage and hear Cannon in D begin. As I look down the aisle I see one of my best friends of the past 9 years in a white dress wearing a beautiful smile as she looks at her groom. In that moment I am so happy for her, my heart almost bursts. Instead a huge smile blooms on my face and stays there throughout the ceremony – even as I cry happy tears for her.
5. Anne and I are both ridiculous and when I think of her I think of the nights we’d lay in our beds talking until far too early and laughing hysterically about the silliest things!
6. I remember flying to visit my Grandparents when they lived in New Mexico. I would put on tea parties with Mini Middles and the neighbor boys. And I would get little bottles of Twister from the garage for lunch. Gramps and I used to make snow men in the backyard and I would ride around them pretending they were the postman.
7. Jenny Yip is my Swedish Pen Pal. We met on a chat forum for the movie Gone with the Wind. Our mutual love of Gone with the Wind brought us together but many other things kept us together. Once she came here to visit me for two weeks. I love having a friend in another country!
8. When I was 10 I would help Gramps tend the backyard garden in my rubber boots and one piece swimming suit! (The pictures are hilarious!)
9. A few years ago my family took a weekend trip to St. Louis. We visited the arch and road down the river on a wonderful riverboat. I was sick that weekend but it was so wonderful to take a trip to someplace new with my family.
10. Libraries are special places to me. I grew up in them. I have many memories of rushing through the library to pick up a long awaited book. Or staying there for hours browsing or sitting in a back corner to read as the rain hit the windows.
11. I have an amazing friend who once took me for a surprise picnic at the Falls because he knew I’d been stressed and he wanted to help in any way that he could…
12. CIY was the highlight of my summer once we attended Martelle Christian Church. But one summer I was stupid and ended up spraining my ankle. I went to the ER in a 50 passenger bus and ended up in a wheelchair for the rest of the week. During that week Jacob was my protector and provider… He wheeled me around, brought me ice for my ankle and stood in countless Subway lines to get me lunch. Thank you Jacob.
13. Becoming a member of the “Ninja Nauts” my freshman semester in college was incredible. It introduced me to some of the closest friends I have at school. We had great times getting together to practice or just heading to Shakes (yes, Grant. I remember the incident with the straw…!). I love you guys.
14. I remember I use to write in my journal and pray to God every night that He would make me a professional figure skater… I’m so glad that didn’t work out!!!
15. Dancing is something that I ADORE. I’ve been doing vintage dances from the Civil War era for 8 or 9 years and it’s been splendid. Recently I’ve gotten to experience the thrills of Swing and other ballroom dances… I want to dance forever.
16. I love to talk with my brother. We get off on rants, on random rabbit trails and also often end up being serious. We have what my fake brother RJ likes to call “$5 conversations” because he thinks they are so silly/funny/weird that people would pay $5 for a copy of them on a CD.
17. My best friend has a beautiful way with words. Abbie has sent me “just because” cards at school and has left me little notes in my room after she has spent the night… and all these little notes make me feel so special and like she’s given me a beautiful part of herself.
18. Alysha and I have great memories every time we do anything together. She is my sister. I will always think of you Alysha whenever I hear a Taylor Swift song.
19. My 19th birthday Anna and Melissa planned a surprise party for me. I had NO IDEA! This is amazing because it is really hard to surprise me. I am good at knowing what is going on.;)
20. I was really under pressure at school last semester. I wanted to run away and quit. I was talking/crying to Patrick about wanting to go home one night and he said, “Why don’t we?” After that we made the plans and made a wonderful surprise visit home. That’s one of the best things anyone has ever done for me. Thank you Patrick.
21. There are so many talks I’ve had with so many people… I know that’s not a memory but it is one of the things I remember the most.
If you have any memories to share, then please go ahead and share them! :)