

I was sitting in the living room reading this morning when I stopped to look out the back window at all of the birds flying around. Suddenly one of them hit the window. I got up to see if he had flown off or had fallen and I saw him lying in the snow on the back pourch.

His leg was stuck out at a funny angle and his beack was open wide as his little body moved up and down from the hard inhale and exhale of his breath. I sat down on the floor by the window to watch him and I cried.

I wish I could save him but there is nothing I can do. Of all the things I hate in this world one of the things I hate the most is the sense of powerlessness and lack of control when I cannot fix things and make them better or different. When I cannot save something or someone.

Update: He's okay! He's okay! I just wanted him hop away! :)


Karl said...

You could have moved it out of the snow. Lol.

jessie said...

I didn't want to touch it incase I would put it in more pain... :(

WendyB said...

Funny! He was just "stunned" but for real, like the dead parrot in the Monty Python sketch.