I’ve been thinking about weddings a lot this past week… it might surprise those of you that know I am a romantic to know that I am not one of those girls who has their entire wedding planned out and is just waiting for a name and a face to show up. Nope. My “wedding canvas” is pretty much blank except for a few basic ideas and must-haves; not wearing those prisons called “shoes” for example. I think I am just too practical to plan out my wedding, I know myself, and I change a lot. If I liked pink and green one day, the next it would be orange, red and yellow… so for now, my wedding canvas is a blank. And I like it that way.
But the wedding I have been thinking of lately is the wedding of two dear people whom I love, respect and admire. (I never say that of anyone lightly-there are actually very few people I would even say that of). They have been together for two and a half years or so and they have finally come to the point of marriage. It’s been a beautiful road, but not in the way most people think of “beautiful”. These two have given of themselves to help each other, they’ve laid aside the things they wanted the most (they were actually suppose to get married a year ago – long story there), they have heeded advice, grown more than I had ever hoped or dreamed and now because of hard work, perseverance and the true meaning of the word LOVE they are to be joined this evening; for the rest of their lives. And I can truly say that I have never been happier for anyone, ever.
I didn’t know that you could be happy like this for other people. It’s such a strange feeling. There are so many relationships I look at and can see right through because of all of the holes. But these two, they’ve taken the holes and knit them all closed with God and with the help of others. They’ve made this beautiful story that is their own, and tonight we will celebrate.
Yesterday I realized the simple truth, perhaps obvious to everyone else, that when we celebrate together we are saying “this is good”, “this is right”, “I am GLAD to be a part of this, so glad that I just want to gather together and rejoice for these two people who followed God and worked at love”. It’s such a strange custom, but one that is unique. I would say it’s uniquely human, but that would be wrong. It’s uniquely God because He is the one that invented marriage and celebration.
I hate going to weddings where everything feels wrong, this will be such an amazing chance to have it all feel right. I cannot write words to express right now how much joy I feel. It’s metaphysical.
1 day ago
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