Your best friends are the people who know you.
(I’m not just talking about the one or two people you tell everything too. I am talking about the group of people that you always hang out with; the people in all your pictures; the people you goof off with.)
That may be an obvious statement but think about it… Sometimes we get tired of our friends and want to make one or two new ones, and that’s fine. But stop for a second and think about why the people who are your best friends have been given that title.
My best friends are the ones that I am comfortable with. I can be quiet around them or really loud. They love me when I am down and when I am cracking jokes, (or failing jokes as it may be). We can sit and talk for hours or ride in a car in happy silence. We have inside jokes and have taken trips together. We know each other; be it a little or a lot.
I love them because I can be myself. I’m not worried what they will think because we all love each other.
I’ve found this on a small scale in a couple of places but everyday I am amazed at the people I know here at school. I love them so much and I’m not sure what I will do without them when I have to leave. Back-home friends are wonderful but I am convinced that nothing will ever be the same as the way it is here and now at school.
I don’t like thinking about the end of the year because I won’t be leaving school. I’ll be leaving my family of the past two years.
1 day ago
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