
the enticing charm of Grant and Russell

As of late I have taken a fancy to the idea of becoming a journalist. I would love to start out working on a college paper or small town newspaper, working my way up to something grand. The problem is that my dreams are doused in an unhealthy dose of images and witty lines from His Girl Friday. I’ve begun to believe that this is the reality of a New York newsroom.

Don’t laugh, but my addiction to Gilmore Girls at the end of last semester actually inspired this new direction of thinking, plus a few people have also planted the idea in my mind. Being a journalist is actually something that I’ve never considered doing before. But it consists of writing, researching and questioning people, some of the things I am interested in and best at.

One of the things that bar my way is the ever present and hateful degree. Why must we muddle through years of college to get a degree for something we already practice? In the old days if you had talent and the stamina to prove yourself to a rough, yet kindly editor you could work your way up in the world of journalism. Now it’s all about degrees and certificates. I just don’t understand why we’ve chosen to accept a slip of paper to be the proof of a person. It’s ridiculous. It doesn’t prove anything except that you wasted four years or more of your life studying this and that at some institute of “higher learning”. Almost everything I’ve learned at school I could have eventually read in a book. Where do you think the professors get their information, hmm…?

So, will I ever become a journalist? It all depends on who I meet, where I’ll be and certain other variables… but I know one thing. I shall always love to write.

1 comment:

Patrick said...

u are the epitimal homeschooler. I believe your utter disregard for college come from the idea that you could teach yourself all u need by reading books. As to whether that is true or not, i will not say, but i do belive there are benifits to college that you overlook.