When Aslan, Grace and I were born we were each given a soft, brightly colored blanket. We have never actually called them “baby blankets”, but I suppose that that is exactly what they are.
Being the eldest I was the first I participate in what would become a tradition, my blanket was light pink with soft silkiness around the edges. I have never had a pet name for my blanket, for as long as I can remember it’s just been known as “the pink blanket”. I do believe that it might have been fondly called a “night, night” for awhile. Yes. I named by blanket Night Night… I’ve never been so good at nicknames…
Aslan’s blanket was a minty green color, also with silky edges. (The blankets were all the same type, just different colors.) His blanket won the nickname “Bashie” (pronounced Ba-She), over time. We’re not really sure where this sophisticated and seemingly unconnected named originated. We think it might have been Aslan’s way of trying to say “blanket” when he was little and it just stuck even after he learned to speak correctly.
Grace’s blue blanket, (known as "Deet De") was the last, and the most cheaply made we gradually found out. She’s actually had two blankets because the first one deteriorated so quickly and soon it looked like a spider web and so mom bought her a new one. The last I knew though, the old one was still stashed in a drawer because she loved it and didn’t want to get rid of it. As a naughty little child, I believe that her blanket was always a great aid to her the many and multiple times she escaped from her crib.
These blankets have been pals and companions. I can only speak for myself but my blanket has been a constant comfort with me throughout my twenty year life. I generally use it as a sort of free form pillow that I can shape or squish into the uncomfortable crevice between my pillow and the wall but it has served many purposes. When I’ve had stomachaches or headaches somehow laying my blanket on the painful spots helps to sooth them, this idea came from my mom telling me she use to do that with her blankie when she was little. The pink blanket has also been soaked with many tears for many reasons. Currently its’ main use is as the tool in a simple neck exercise my chiropractor insists that I do each night before I go to bed.
When my cousin Denny and I were younger we would stay up late in our old house watching taped reruns of the Batman show from the ‘60’s then we would clothespin towels, or in my case, my blanket, around our necks and run around the house on missions. I was usually Batgirl and he was Batman. I remember having many conversations with Commissioner Gordon on our back staircase, also known as Police Headquarters.
So while blankets may be for little children, I will never let my blanket go. It’s got huge holes in the middle but it’s still one of the softest and most comforting things to me. It usually goes wherever I go and I think it will probably stay that way.
1 day ago
1 comment:
is your current read about the emergent Church? if so, tell me what you think of that book.
also, i just got done reading a couple that i think you would enjoy. "Disapointment with God" by Phillip Yancey. i think the author might have you sold out, lol. And also there is "I don't have enough faith to be an atheist" by 2 people whose names i do not remember. if you read that one before Creation and science, you would have a heads up, and also, it's a very good read besides.
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